All About Ethiopia

All About Ethiopia: A Tapestry of Culture, History, and Natural Beauty

Nestled in the northeastern part of Africa, Ethiopia is a country that captivates the imagination with its rich tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty. From its ancient roots to its modern-day dynamism, Ethiopia is a land of contrasts that beckons travelers to explore its diverse landscapes and experience its unique heritage. Encapsulates the essence of a country that seamlessly blends its past with its present. From the timeless historical sites to the vibrant cultures and breathtaking natural landscapes, Ethiopia offers a unique and enriching travel experience. As you traverse this diverse land, you’ll discover a nation proud of its heritage and eager to share its treasures with the world. This content covers all about Ethiopia

Ethiopia boasts a history that dates back thousands of years. Known as one of the world’s oldest countries with an uninterrupted history of sovereignty, it’s home to archaeological sites that reveal the footprints of early humans. The city of Axum, for instance, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that was once the heart of the Aksumite Empire and is renowned for its towering obelisks and ancient ruins.


all about ethiopia
Capital city: Addis Ababa
Population ( 2020): 120 million
Surface area: 1.13 million sq km (437,794 sq miles)
Languages: Amharic (official language) and Tigrinya, Oromigna, Guaraginga, Somali, Arabic. English is also the administrative language.
Topography: Ethiopia has an elevated central plateau varying in height from 2,000 to 3,000 meters above sea level. There are around 25 mountains whose peaks reach over 4,000 meters in the North and the Centre of the country. The most famous Ethiopian river is the Blue Nile or Abay, which flows a distance of 1,450 kilometres from its source to join the White Nile in Khartoum.
Currency: Ethiopian Birr (ETB)
Time: GMT+3
Number of well-known heritages registered under UNESCO: 13


A country endowed with fabulous wildlife, epic natural beauty, mind-blowing outdoor experiences, and Africa’s most fascinating history, Ethiopia remains nothing like anywhere else in the world. Here you can climb over 3000 meters high on the world-famous Simien Mountains or even explore Africa’s lowest areas on the Danakil Depression. In between, you can enjoy scenery whose beauty knows no bounds – sweeping savannas, beautiful lakes, lush highlands, gorgeous deserts, and plateaus.  


Become 7 years younger in the land of 13 months of sunshine.

Ethiopia is the only Christian country that still follows the Julian calendar and consequently, it is seven years and eight months behind the rest of the Christian world (which follows the revised Gregorian calendar). Thus, the Ethiopian calendar consists of 13 months: 12 months of 30 days and another month of five (or six days in leap years) days duration.

If this can be confusing, you also need to know that Ethiopians measure time in cycles of 12 hours starting when the sun rises at 6 a.m.

The only country in Africa with its own alphabet

Even though there are more than 80 different languages spoken in Ethiopia, Amharic is the official language, a semiotic language descending from Ge’ez, the language of ancient Axum which is still used by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Amharic has its own alphabet, consisting of 209 symbols and 25 letter variants. Other regional languages such as Oromigna, Tigrinya, and Arabic are also widely spoken, along with English, used in the administration and for secondary education.

Teff: one of the healthiest cereals

Teff is the grain cereal used to make the Ethiopian staple dish known as injera. It is believed to have originated between 4,000 and 1,000 years B.C. in Ethiopia. Teff is the smallest grain in the world and is becoming very popular among Western countries for being a great gluten-free energy source. Injera is a unique flatbread with a slightly spongy texture made out of teff flour and accompanied with different sorts of wot or stews and its eating ritual consists of taking a piece in your hand and using it to scoop the accompaniment.

Feel blessed by the coffee ceremony

It is believed that the Ethiopian highlands gathered the origin of the coffee plant. According to a legend, Kaldi, an Ethiopian shepherd, once discovered the properties of this stimulating plant after noticing that his goats became very active and awake after eating berries from a certain tree.

Nowadays the Ethiopian buna (“coffee” in Amharic) is popular worldwide. In fact, Ethiopia is the top coffee-producing country in Africa, and Arabica beans are especially appreciated. The coffee ceremony is one of the most recognizable parts of its culture, offering this peculiar ritual during festivities, visits, or as a daily routine for community or family meetings.

A melting pot of religious diversity

Ethiopia is considered as one of the oldest Christian nations in the World, adopting Christianity during the 4th Century. It is also claimed to be the home to the legendary Ark of the Covenant containing the 10 Commandments.

This relic is said to be kept in Axum and only one man is allowed to see it. Also, Ethiopia is the home of the Black Jews, known as Falashas or Beta Israel and Islam also appeared early in Ethiopia when Mohammed’s followers were persecuted and sought refuge in Abyssinia. Despite this melting pot of different religions, the country is known for its peaceful coexistence and respect.

The homeland of our ancestors

The Afar desert of Ethiopia, in the Middle Awash, is the early home of our human ancestors. According to the latest research, fossils of Homo gender have been found buried in the soil of this area. This is also the area where “Lucy”, one of the World’s most famous fossils, was also found. A visit to the National Museum of Addis Ababa will guide you through the history of humanity’s birthplace.

The largest number of UNESCO World Heritage sites in Africa

There are nine places in Ethiopia considered as UNESCO World Heritage sitesThe Simien Mountains National Park is the only natural site while the others are listed as cultural sites, including the ruins of the city of Axum; the fortified historic route of Harar Jugol; the stonewalled terraces of Konso, (also known as the “natural New York village”); the lower valleys of both the Awash and the Omo River where the evidence of human evolution was found; the eleven rock-hewn churches of Lalibela;, and Tiya with its 32 carved stelae covered with indecipherable symbols.